ENECHANGE Ltd. (Head office: Chuo-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Yohei Kiguchi, COO: Ippei Arita; hereafter: ENECHANGE) are pleased to announce that NEXT Energy Technologies, Peak Power, and Qnovo have been selected as the three Honorees of the first cohort of energy innovation program ENECHANGE Insight Ventures 2022 (EIV2022), organized by ENECHANGE. The ceremonies at the EIV2022 Summit, which were held online on Thursday, October 6, included talk sessions with each of the Honorees.

EIV is a joint effort by Japanese energy-related companies to accelerate and revitalize innovation in the Japanese market by aiming to introduce more global energy tech companies to domestic energy companies. The program was launched in 2018 as the Japan Energy Challenge (JEC) and changed its name to EIV in 2021. This is the sixth time the program is held since its inception.
EIV2022 was underpinned by Japan’s Green Growth Strategy, which sets out plans for carbon neutrality by 2050, as well as subscriber interest in fields key to decarbonizing Japan. The EIV team received dozens of applications from across North America, Europe, and Oceania. The list was narrowed down to 15 finalists, that were invited to participate in this edition’s cohort. Each finalist had the chance to present their solutions to an audience of key decision-makers in the Japanese energy industry through monthly webinars. Once the webinars were completed, the Honorees were selected after a series of interviews and collaborative discussions with the ENECHANGE Group and 15 Japanese sponsors.